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DEADLINE: SCWC Writer Residencies  

2022 SCWC Writer Residencies  


Deadline for Applications
9am 28 February 2022

South Coast writers are invited to apply for a 2022 residency at Wollongong Botanic Garden’s historic Cratloe Cottage to assist with their development of a new literary work.  

Up to four residencies will be offered for writers residing on the South Coast of NSW. Residencies will be for up to four weeks and residents will be paid a stipend of $500. 

Applicants will be invited to show how the development of their work would benefit from this residency and would respond to or incorporate the Botanic Garden’s history, the collections and conservation, buildings, or Botanic Garden’s intention to “connect people with nature, community and culture through transforming Garden experiences”. 

A requirement of the residency will be that during 2022 the resident will be part of a public presentation (conversation or reading) in the Botanic Garden, will present a workshop for fellow writers, and will provide a short, written report/response to the residency. 

Applications are particularly encouraged from applicants who are disabled, identify as Aboriginal, or are from CALD background. 


  • Dedicated room in Cratloe Cottage during Garden opening hours with desk and chair. 

  • Ramp access and disabled bathroom. Kitchen facilities. On-site parking. 

  • Access to Wollongong Botanic Gardens staff and collections. 


  • Must be a member of the SCWC at time of application/residency 

  • Must be available to undertake a residency during NSW 2022 school term dates 

  • Agree to be part of a public presentation (conversation or reading) in the Botanic Garden 

  • Agree to present a workshop for fellow writers hosted by the SCWC 

  • Agree to provide a short, written report/response to the residency for public use by the Botanic Garden and SCWC 

  • Applicants mustbe from one of the following local government areas: 

    • Wollongong 

    • Shellharbour 

    • Shoalhaven 

    • Kiama 

    • Wingecarribee 

    • Eurobodalla 

    • Bega Valley 


Must be made via the SCWC website (click the button below). Applicants will be assessed by a panel drawn from the SCWC and Wollongong Botanic Garden 

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