ACT Literary Awards – Call for Entries
The MARION Book Awards celebrate the excellence and talent of writers in and around the ACT region.
Award Categories
Children’s books (including picture books, middle-grade, and young adult fiction)
Key Dates
Monday 24 February – Call for entries opens
Thursday 27 March – Entries close at 4PM
Wednesday 11 June – Shortlist announced
Thursday 3 July – ACT Literary Awards Night, The Shine Dome, 15 Gordon St, Acton ACT 2601
Award winners will be announced in July at the 2025 ACT Literary Awards.
The 2025 MARION Book Awards are open to books published in 2024. Refer to Terms and Conditions below for eligibility details.
Read the Award Terms + Conditions below.
Complete the ENTRY FORM below and click SUBMIT, you will be taken to the payment portal.
Select the relevant entry fee and make payment.
Entrants or their publisher must submit two copies via post to MARION for judging.
$45 MARION Members
$65 Non-members
$90 All entries
PO Box 63, Dickson ACT 2602
Please note 2 x copies of your work are required for this year’s entry.
Terms & Conditions
Submission Requirements
Entry forms, entry fees, and books must be received no later than 4pm Thursday 27 March.
Upon completing the submission form, you will be directed to the entry fee payment portal. If you experience technical difficulties, please contact
A separate entry form and fee are required for each unique submission.
Entrants will receive a confirmation email upon successful submission of their entry form, payment, and book copies.
Only writers based in the ACT region and surrounding areas are eligible to apply. For the purposes of these awards, this region is defined as (see map).
The submitted book must have been first published between 1 January and 31 December 2024. Reprints or subsequent editions are not eligible.
The author’s name must appear on the book cover or the copyright page to be eligible.
Entries must be the original work of no more than two (2) authors.
In the Children’s category, the author must meet eligibility requirements to apply.
The illustrator of an eligible children’s book is not required to live within the ACT region.
AI-generated works are not eligible for entry.
Writers of any age, writing in English, are welcome to enter.
Entry Fees & Refunds
Entry fees are non-refundable, including in cases where:
An entrant withdraws their submission for any reason.
An entry is deemed ineligible under these terms and conditions.
Publication Categories
Self-published publications refer to books independently published by the author.
Traditionally published books refer to those released by publishing companies and organisations, including:
Non-profit organisations that publish books as an adjunct to their public purpose (e.g. AIATSIS Aboriginal Studies Press, CSIRO, National Library of Australia, National Museum of Australia).
Independent publishers, large and small, such as Allen & Unwin, HarperCollins, Recent Work Press, ANU Press, and others.
The Children’s category includes picture books, middle-grade fiction, and young adult fiction.
Submission Format
Only print books are eligible; ebooks are not accepted.
Two (2) copies of the book must be submitted via post.
Postal entries must be postmarked no later than 24 March. MARION is not responsible for lost or delayed submissions.
Copyright & Promotional Use
By entering, authors grant MARION permission to use book cover images, author names, and brief excerpts for promotional purposes. Authors retain full copyright over their work.
Prizes & Recognition
Winners will receive certificates as part of the 2025 ACT Literary Awards ceremony.
Book category winners may receive a monetary prize.
Judging & Administration
A panel of experienced professionals is preselected to judge award categories each year.
The same judging criteria apply to all entries, regardless of whether the book is traditionally or self-published.
MARION staff and board members are not eligible to enter.
Former MARION staff and board members may apply only after three (3) months from the end of their engagement.
The exact spelling entered on the submission form will be used for shortlisting and award certificates. Please ensure accuracy.
MARION reserves the right to disqualify any entry found to be in breach of these terms and conditions, even after submission.