Anne Edgeworth Emerging Writer’s Fellowship 2025

The Anne Edgeworth Writer’s Fellowship is provided to an emerging writer in the Canberra Region. The Fellowship is worth up to $5,000 and is to be used to advance the recipients’ development in the craft of writing. The Fellowship is provided annually by the Anne Edgeworth Trust and is administered by MARION.

Anne Edgeworth (also known as Anne Godfrey-Smith) was a prominent poet, writer, theatre director, academic, conservationist and activist for reconciliation. She died in June 2011. Anne mentored many young writers as a tutor, author and poet and her family has established an annual award for emerging writers in her memory.

The Fellowship will be made for work in the field of poetry, fiction writing, nonfiction writing, screenwriting and/or playwriting.

The Fellowship can be used for any purpose that furthers the recipients’ development in their chosen field of writing, and must be associated with another organisation or individual concerned with creative writing. Examples of ways the fellowship may be applied include: tuition fees, travel, accommodation, printing and publishing, editing, writers’ retreat, conference etc. The funds cannot be used to purchase capital equipment (eg computers) or subsidise an existing commercial or non-profit activity.

The project must be completed within a twelve-month period.

During the course of the project the recipient is to provide some insight into the project to the general writing community either through a lecture, seminar, workshop, written report, article, video or similar (‘community outreach’) or combination of the above.

Please read the following terms and conditions before making a submission.

an Anne Edgeworth Emerging Writer’s Fellowship TERMS + CONDITIONS

  • Expressions of interest & required material must have been received no later than Midnight on Monday 28 April 2025.

  • Writers are only eligible to apply for this award if they live in the ACT or in one of the nearby NSW local government areas (Young, Harden, Gundagai, Tumut, Boorowa, Yass Valley, Upper Lachlan, Goulburn, Mulwaree, Wingecarribee, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla, Bega Valley, Bombala, Cooma Monaro, and Snowy River).

  • The applicant must be an emerging writer.

    So who is an emerging writer? In this case it could mean that you have done a fair amount of writing, studied writing or are currently studying writing at a tertiary institution. You may have had some short pieces published or been listed for some awards; however, you have not yet had a full-length book published by a mainstream publisher.

  • The applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of Australia.

  • Entries must be original works written by an individual author.

  • There is no entry fee associated with this application.

  • Applicants must submit Part 1 (through this website) and Part 2 in the form of a direct email -details below. We must receive both elements for your application to be eligible.

  • Entries are welcome from writers of any age, writing in English.

  • If shortlisted you must be available for an online interview in May - interview dates will be confirmed in early May.

  • MARION staff, and board members are not eligible to enter. Former MARION staff and board are not be eligible to apply until 18 months from the end of their term of engagement.

  • Day to day management of the award is undertaken by the CEO of MARION. Any substantive changes to the scope or purpose of the project during its implementation must be approved by the CEO.

  • Should any dispute arise between MARION and the Award Recipient that cannot be solved by negotiation between the two parties, the dispute will be resolved through mediation by the ACT Conflict Resolution Service.

TIP: Think carefully about your objectives and how your plan will help you achieve them. If you are considering mentorships or engaging with programs run by an individual or organisation it is important to note who/what they are and how these will benefit your project. You should also have these costs clearly included in your budget.



Email 2 samples of your written work and a detailed budget breakdown relating to your project proposal to with the subject line ‘Anne Edgeworth Submission’.

The writing samples should relate to your project, so their form will depend on your proposal. You may choose to include a chapter from a manuscript or an article. There is no strict word limit, however please remember, the judging panel will be reviewing your project as a whole. If we require further information, we will request it.

Submissions are reviewed by members of our team and The Anne Edgeworth Trust.

Please note that If you are selected for an online interview you must be available to do this in May - interview dates will be confirmed by the first week of that month.