Paying Writers Fairly
ACT Writers are committed to our role as advocates for a fair, equitable, accessible and inclusive environment for writers. We run a resource & advocacy series through our Instagram profile, and we also share them as bite-sized news. Happy reading!
In Australia, recommended rates of pay provided by the Australian Society of Authors (ASA) provide valuable benchmarks for writers and the wider industry
However, whether these are paid is largely unregulated. Germany and the Netherlands lead the way on enshrining the right to fair payment for authors. Authors are entitled to “fair” or “equitable” payment for their work - and can enforce those rights if their pay is too low.
Next time you book a writing workshop, buy festival tickets, attend a panel or any event involving the professional services of a writer, ask the question “are authors and presenters paid ASA rates or higher?”
As you prepare to vote in the 2022 Federal election, examine each political party’s approach to arts funding. Write to your local member and support the ASA’s call for a national funding framework for books and reading.
“Support for our authors and illustrators is vital. They create the books and stories that entertain, fuel the arts, educate our kids, foster big thinking, and tell our story to the world. It is hard to think of many things more critical to a democracy than … the publication of our best and brightest writers, artists, thinkers, researchers and storytellers.” ASA CEO, Olivia Lanchester.
As the most recent figures show, Australian authors earn on average just $12,900 a year from writing work. Writers have the right to insist on fair payment in line with industry rates, and it’s important that they are supported to do so.
What’s required is a mindset shift. As a body that serves writers, we are dedicated to doing our part to change the culture. The services of writers are not to be bartered. It is not adequate to offer ‘exposure’ in return for creative work. Fair remuneration for writers means a thriving sector that benefits everyone.