
Advocate. Connect. Develop. Celebrate.

In a climate where disruption has afforded businesses opportunities as well as challenges, ACT Writers (ACTW) has made the decision to become a fully digital organisation. At the end of March 2021, ACT Writers closed the significant chapter of its time as a resident organisation at Gorman Arts Centre.

“We’d like to express our heartfelt thanks to Ainslie + Gorman Arts Centres for their years of partnership, support and a very peaceful, beautiful environment in which to have operated,” ACT Writers CEO, Meg Wilson said.

While ACTW may no longer have a physical HQ, in its virtual iteration the organisation is dedicated to being more available to writers than ever before.

“The move to digital services reflects how a global pandemic showed us there are many ways to operate beyond the conventional four walls of an office.” Ms Wilson, said.

“This next step heralds a strong response to what we’ve been hearing from members and our community. We are an arts organisation staffed part time, and we haven’t always been able to dedicate adequate time to those dropping in for assistance. What we’ve moved towards is a model where our hours are clear, and our services are structured to directly meet the needs of writers at all stages. Our staff resources are focused on improved availability by email and our virtual phone.”

And ACT Writers workshops and events will continue to keep audiences connected and grounded through face-to-face forums.

“We really want to emphasise our commitment to providing productive and meaningful ways to come together in person,” Ms Wilson said.

“While many of our events remain digitally accessible, we’re so fortunate to have Harry Hartog Bookstore, ANU, as the atmospheric venue for our creative workshops. As COVID restrictions continue to ease, we’ll be locking in more physical events to help creatives come together.”

You can reach ACT Writers by email, phone or on social media. Operation hours are Thursday-Friday from 10am to 4pm. For comment, please contact

ACT Writers is situated on Ngunnawal Country. We pay tribute to the unique role that First Nation communities have played – and continue to play – in the life of what is also known as the Australian Capital Territory. We acknowledge all elders, past, present and emerging, and honour those who continue to share their wisdom and learning.


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