ACTW 2021 AGM Results


ACTW returns chair, welcomes board members

The ACT Writers AGM saw Sophie Mannix reinstated as Chair, Thao Le return as a director, and Jacqueline de Rose-Ahern and Chris Huet join as newly elected board members.

We would like to thank all those members in attendance at the AGM, which took place online via Zoom on Thursday 22 April.

L-R: Jacqueline de Rose Ahern and Chris Huet were elected to the ACT Writers Board at the AGM. Chris accepted the role of secretary. Sophie Mannix was reinstated as Chair of the organisation, while Thao Le was returned to her role with the board. ACT Writers farewell and warmly thank outgoing board member, Zoya Patel. View our board here.

ACT Writers CEO, Meg Wilson, guided AGM attendees through the organisation’s Annual Report, which can be read and downloaded via our ‘About Us’ page. ACT Writers Chair, Sophie Mannix, ran through the full details of the organisation’s financial performance in 2020.

In summary, in 2020, ACTW reported an operating surplus of $113,168, a marked turnaround considering the $233 deficit position in 2019.

The total ACTW income increased from $351,605 in 2019 to $407,290 in 2020. ACTW’s total expenditure decreased from $351,838 to $294,122. ACTW received $16,682.25 in membership fees, $22,645.92 in program participation and $2,240.81 in donations.

ACTW retained earnings sit at $118,418 – an increase from $5,250 in 2019.

During 2020 ACTW employed five part-time staff across four days per week. The priority for the team was to increase accessibility and inclusivity, and seamlessly adapt to operating as a digital organisation. This included adapting all programs to ensure we were operating in accordance with COVID-safe measures.

Moving forward, ACTW will continue to focus on:

1. Maintaining a digital component to our program, thereby ensuring our offerings are as accessible and inclusive as possible.

2. Providing clearer member benefits, including engaging with emerging writers, uplifting diverse voices, and conducting ongoing engagement to understand our members’ needs

3. Providing high quality professional development opportunities which offer unique advantages to ACT region writers and incorporate the most experienced, relevant industry voices

4. Partnering and collaborating with a variety of different organisations and continuing to seek philanthropic development funding.


We truly welcome feedback and engagement from all of our members and the wider arts community.

You can reach ACT Writers by email, phone or on social media. Operation hours are Thursday-Friday from 10am to 4pm. For comment, please contact

ACT Writers is situated on Ngunnawal Country. We pay tribute to the unique role that First Nation communities have played – and continue to play – in the life of what is also known as the Australian Capital Territory. We acknowledge all elders, past, present and emerging, and honour those who continue to share their wisdom and learning.


In memory of Valerie Parv


Double launch at Smith’s