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Affirm Press Mentorship Award at Varuna

Affirm Press Mentorship Award at Varuna

Varuna House
2021 Wyndham Writing Awards 2021


Melbourne-based independent publisher Affirm Press is dedicated to publishing great Australian stories and building relationships with emerging local writers.

The Affirm Press Mentorship Award provides a unique opportunity for three writers to develop exceptional new work through a week of residency at Varuna.

For the 2021 mentorship, Affirm Press is looking for contemporary middle-grade (9+) and young adult manuscripts, with a particular desire to see a wide range of diverse and authentic voices that aren’t always represented in mainstream publishing.

An independent panel of YA authors, Melissa Keil and Gary Lonesborough, will choose a shortlist of successful manuscripts, and Affirm Press will select the winning three. Each of the manuscripts will be chosen based on the belief that it has the potential to become a publishable work of literary value.

The week of intensive residency includes independent writing time in your own private writing studio, accommodation and meals. Affirm Press editors live with the writers at Varuna and meet with each writer at the beginning and end of the week to discuss their projects, as well as providing manuscript feedback and meetings with writers throughout the week as necessary. Evenings offer the opportunity to meet with other writers and the Affirm Press editors over dinner to chat about publishing and writing. 

After the residency, Affirm Press will keep in touch, offering further feedback as you develop your manuscript to a completed or reworked draft. It is important for applicants to note that this program does not come with a guarantee of publication.  

Applications close 15 September 2021.

If successful, you will be required to take your residency in the week 28 March - 4 April, 2022.
Results will be posted on Varuna’s website in November 2021 and applicants will also be informed by email.

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