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Call for Entries: The Hage Award for First Nations Writers

Sweatshop Literacy Movement is honoured to establish the inaugural First Nations mentorship program for emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers. The new award is proudly funded by Professor Ghassan Hage, in celebration of The Racial Politics of Australian Multiculturalism.

​Over a period of 12 months, two First Nations writers will be awarded financial and in-kind support to develop a debut manuscript (fiction and/or nonfiction). 

​Recipients will receive: 

  • A fee of $5,000.00 each to develop their debut manuscript.

  • Hot-desk and office resources at Sweatshop Literacy Movement for 12 months.

  • A mentorship with distinguished First Nations authors, Melissa Lucashenko or Tony Birch, who will oversee and nurture each recipient's journey for 12 months. 

  • Two online consultations with Ghassan Hage to discuss the progress of the award. 

  • Publishing, editing, networking and creative industry support from Sweatshop Founding Director, Michael Mohammed Ahmad, and General Manager, Winnie Dunn.

  • Successful applicants will have the option of meeting with mentors and Sweatshop staff online or in-person, depending on their access/mobility. 


  • Applicant must identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

  • Applicant must be an emerging writer (no previously published full-length books).

  • Applicant must be available for the entire duration of the mentorship, as well as any subsequent opportunities.

  • Recipient must work towards completing a full-length fiction or nonfiction manuscript.

  • Recipient must be able to respectfully and effectively collaborate with mentors throughout the duration of the mentorship, which includes accepting critical feedback and structural edits. 

​Selection Process:

Submission deadline: 12 August 2024

Successful applicants will be notified: 12 September 2024

For more information, please contact:

11 August


16 August

ANU/Canberra Times: Meet the author - Norman Swan