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Scriptable 2022


Scriptable 2022

Annual program
2022 applications due by
16 August 2022   

Queensland Writers Centre is proud to announce the return in 2022 of Scriptable, its 3rd national program for emerging screenwriters.

It’s often said that writing is rewriting - but before you can get to the rewriting stage, you first need to trust in sharing your work. Scriptable presents emerging screenwriters - whether just out of university/film school, still completing a degree, or looking to enter the industry – with the chance to have their work read by experienced screen practitioners, and receive supportive feedback on the next steps forward. Queensland Writers Centre believes in the future of Australian screenwriters and supports Scriptable as a chance to nurture the next generation.

Up to 5 shortlisted writers will be selected from the competition and matched with a screen industry professional. Over 5 hours of mentorship, shortlisted writers will receive professional feedback on their work and guidance on the development of their career. The program aims to spark connections and creative partnerships extending beyond the 5 hour mentorship, with mentors acting as an industry contact.

15 August

Recent Work Readings: Rico Craig and Anders Villani

22 August

Meet the Author, James Curran