Rhiza Edge Short Story Competition
Diverging Worlds: Short stories in dystopian and steampunk worlds
Diverging Worlds is a collection of short stories in steampunk or dystopian worlds. We received so many stories in both our Crossed Spaces and Opposite of Disappearing collections with dystopian themes that we decided it deserved its own book.
Stories need to be clean and 12+ friendly as we sell these books into schools.
Stories need to be in a Dystopian or a Steampunk world.
To be edited by Lynne Stringer and Emily Larkin.
Competition entry fee:
School or Uni Students/Pensioners: $11 Use code 10DISC to get the discounted price.
School Entry Price: $44 (inc GST) for as many students as desired. Schools please email us for information so you don’t pay $10 per entry. Schools will be provided different instructions if sending a collection.
Adult Writers: $16.50 (inc GST) per story
Email your entry with your name, phone, email address, postal address, school (if student) and title of story in the body of the email. Stories are copyright to you. Selected stories will receive an agreement for use of their work in the collection.
Please send your entries with all details to website@wombatrhiza.com.au