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Poetry d’Amour Love Poetry Contest


Poetry d’Amour Love Poetry Contest

As part of 2021 Poetry d’Amour, submissions are sought for original, unpublished* love poems

First Prize: $500 cash prize and the opportunity to perform the winning entry at the launch of the Poetry d’Amour 2020 anthology**

Runner Up: $200 cash prize and the opportunity to perform the winning entry at the launch of the Poetry d’Amour 2020 anthology**

2 x Highly Commended Certificates**

2 x Commended Certificates**


Youth Incentive Award: $100 cash prize and the opportunity to perform the winning entry at the launch of the Poetry d’Amour 2021 anthology** for the highest ranking entry, that has not won an award in the categories above, from a person under 18 years of age.

*unpublished refers to poems that have NOT appeared in print or online as part of an electronic journal or poetry blog that specialises in publishing other people’s poetry.

** Conditions apply, additional prizes may be added at the discretion of the organisers and sponsors. Prizes do not include travel or accommodation costs.


The 2021 Poetry d’Amour Love Poetry Contest is open to all poets and is subject to a fee of $10 per entry, or $20 for 2 entries, $25 for 3 entries and $30 for 4 entries, with an entry consisting of one original, unpublished* poem.

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