Scrivener is the go-to app for writers of all kinds. Used every day by best-selling novelists and aspiring writers alike, it unites everything needed to write, research and arrange your manuscript in a single, powerful package. At Scrivener’s heart is a simple ring-binder metaphor that allows you to gather material and then flick between different parts of a draft, notes and references with ease.

Plan everything first or restructure later using integrated outlining tools. Rearrange virtual index cards in Scrivener’s Corkboard or work with an overview of a chapter, a part, or even your whole manuscript using Scrivener’s outliner. Break chapters into shorter, more manageable sections then  edit them in isolation or as a whole using the innovative “Scrivenings” mode. Scrivener is available for iOS, macOS and Windows, allowing you to take your manuscript with you, wherever you go.


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