Cathy Petőcz is a Canberra-based theatre artist—a playwright, director, performer, and musician—who works on Ngunnawal & Ngambri Country.

Cathy's work orbits around a core of pan-Christian mystic spirituality, intersectional feminism, and neurodiversity. She noticed she had been writing protagonists who were all monsters—ghosts, aliens, zombies—each obsessed with trying to understand what it is to be a human, a common experience for neurodivergent people. Once she realised she was writing herself over and over she started to grasp the power of her own neurodivergent thinking and now brings it fully into her artistic practice.

Cathy writes plays (The Initiation, Canberra Youth Theatre, published by Currency Press, 2022; Unbecoming, Canberra Theatre Centre, 2019), experimental art experiences (Lit Windows, You Are Here Festival, 2020), and interactive game-based performance (We, the People, Museum of Australian Democracy, 2019). She is currently working on a screenplay adaptation of her surreal mother-daughter drama Hired Mother and a play about eco-zombies for teenage actors.

Cathy Petőcz