Subbed In is an independent literary organisation and small publisher based in so-called Australia, currently working on Gadigal and Darug land. Subbed In kicked off in Sydney in 2015 as a backyard reading series organised by a small group of working-class queer and First Nations people. Since 2015, Subbed In has organised workshops, performance events, and published books.

Today, Subbed In is focused on publishing new books, and finding new audiences for their existing catalogue. Subbed In seeks to provide a platform to amplify underrepresented voices, facilitating grassroots support for marginalised voices and writers whose work is too often alienated by the literary establishment.

Since beginning in 2015, Subbed In has hosted over 200 writers and collaborated with a number of organisations including: Writing NSW, City of Sydney, National Young Writers’ Festival, Underbelly Arts Festival, Unspoken Word, and Sweatshop.




Text Publishing