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Notice of AGM

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 6pm, Monday 6 May 2024

MARION is the leading organisation for writing in the ACT region. MARION supports and grows the innovative, diverse, and established writing sector that is a part of our vibrant arts landscape. We are committed to providing sustainable, high quality services that: advocate for, connect, develop and celebrate writers and their art. To help us be an even more effective organisation and leader in the ACT Arts ecology, we are looking for suitably qualified people to join our board.  We would love to hear from you if you understand what it means to balance a creative arts practice with the commercial practicalities of maintaining a livelihood. We are specifically seeking a person with the necessary experience to take lead of the fundraising subcommittee. A range of other backgrounds, including experience with grant applications, events, finance, human resources and the law, are also in-demand. 

Nomination details

To nominate for a position on the board, please email with your relevant qualifications. Please also provide a 100-word statement on your eligibility for the position, vision for the organisation and which current financial member of MARION will endorse your nomination.

Section 13.1B of the MARION (ACT Writers Centre) Constitution stipulates that all nominations must be received 14 days before the Annual General Meeting. We encourage anyone interested to apply for a position on the Board, particularly if you have experience in financial management, fundraising and philanthropy. 

We are specifically seeking a person with the necessary experience to take on the role of Treasurer and someone to lead the fundraising subcommittee.

Nominations close 9am AEST Tuesday 22 April 2024

The MARION Board welcome nominations from all members or independents who would like to contribute to a dynamic and creative not-for-profit organisation.  The Board particularly invites individuals who have the following interest or experience:

-       Fundraising and sponsorship experience

-       Philanthropy engagement experience

-       Financial management and experience

-       Not-for-profit law and community organisation experience

Voting procedure

Voting will occur online. The Chair will call for votes, and a link will be provided with information about each nominee. Please select one candidate as your first preference, then another as second preference, and so forth. These votes will be tallied, and a record will be kept.

How to access the online MARION AGM

All current MARION members who confirm attendance will receive an email before the day of the AGM containing details on how to log in to the Google Meet meeting on 6 May. If you have not received this by 4 May please ensure your membership is current and check your email spam filters. If you are unable to find the details please contact before COB on 5 May.

Only Financial Members of MARION are eligible to Vote.

AGM Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome and apologies

  2. Minutes of the 2023 AGM

  3. 2023 Reports
    -       Directors Report
    -       Chair’s Report
    -       Treasurer’s Report

  4. Appointment of auditor for 2024

  5. Election of new board members

  6. Appointment of new constitution

  7. Any other business

Attending and voting at the AGM

Please email your RSVP to with the subject line Attending AGM by Saturday 4 May 5pm.

Members will be asked to vote for the 4 vacant Board Director positions  at the AGM. Additionally, office-bearing positions for nomination will include:

  • Deputy Chair

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary

  • General Board Member

Connect with other writers in our community and have your say on who runs the leading organisation for writing-based culture in the ACT region. We hope to see you there!

If you need to renew membership or wish to join you can sign up HERE.

We strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with Google Meet prior to AGM.